Edening Office

Achieving the fragile balance between creativity and freedom...


this little exploration can become the very first step to a thousand miles journey,
for a more creative and location-free working world!

  • Signup
    Signup Please signup so that you are good to go.

  • Good to Go
    Go Click the "Good to Go" button and ...

  • Search for owning your organization
    SearchOrgOwnOwnDetail With your organization in mind, you can own it by searching until no existing organizations are shown which means the name is available for you.

  • Create some spaces
    CreateSpaces After owning your precious organization, you would be able to start creating spaces for your teams.

  • Decorate your spaces
    Decorate And then, you probably would like to make decorations upon the empty spaces. As the time of being, there are cubes, entrances, and receptions you can make use of. The person icon means that you can click it for assigning owner, and the connectivity icon indicates that you can connect with other space via the entrance.

  • Give a Visit
    Visit Optionally, you can also choose to give a visit to our Edening organization to see what is possible, and you may ocassionally come across the builders of this app.

Edening Global Village